
#3 of 3 Game of Goose Boards as old as 1500 with rules Printed from1598

Links provided  for each image and more information of the boars directly please check out  Goose and path games ( by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville ) translations by Luigi Ciompi and google translate. Adrian Seville has many books of all the aspects of the game of goose and is the for most expert on the subject I only own one of his books.  Il Bello et Dilettevole Giuoco dell’Oca Gaspar ab Avibus Citadelensis, Venetis 1567/80. Acquaforte (taille-douce) (ecthing), 580x428. Collezione A. Toffanin (Gioco dell’Oca Classico) Novo ( The ) Gioco de Loca ( The new Game of the Goose )  1580ca From: NEGRI, Ilio - VERCELLONI, Virgilio: "The games of dice of chance and pastime of gentlemen and pirates" Chess and goose game board India, Gujarat late 16th century(1500-1550) Currently oldest surviving board This next board has the rules printed on

#2 of 3 The Royal Game of Goose the rules

 The Game of Goose A Board & How to play  The goose board, dice & pawn 2 to 6 player game. The game requires two, 6 sided dice, the board of 63 spaces with hazards marked, and game pawns for player   Goal land on 63 exactly first. Each player rolls one die and highest roll goes first then play moves to the left. Game can be played with gambling (I suggest chocolate kisses). If so players agree on the stakes at the start. Each player places 1 stake in the center making the pool. Every time a player lands on a Hazzard they pay one stake. When players land on other players including the prison and the well both players pay one stake. Fist player to land on 63 exactly wins the pool. Geese are not hazards.  (Bonus rule modern; you win one stake back every time you land on a Goose) 63 must be reached exactly, such Overthrows are completed by counting the excess spaces backwards from 63.  You will notice that the geese on the board are spaced in two sequences of 9 on the spaces 5,14,2

#1 of 3 The Royal Game of Goose, history, game board stamp project.

  I am re trying to carve a goose board print block. It will be a solid one not the many mini blocks put together. I think I can only do 2 squares at a time by hand, my hands cannot handle more. The limits of EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) means if I limit this work that I might be able to do the work everyday with out missing too many days in-between. If it turns out too much for my hands I will switch to working on it every other day. I have plans every weekend for the next 3 weekends How  I am making this stamp. I have graphite paper. I traced the period board through the paper it is printed on by putting it on a window to see though this is so I am working in the reverse. Stamps have to be carved in reverse so when you stamp they are facing the correct way. Folks that use printing presses have and had to be able to read upside down and backwards.  I took the paper with the reverse board on it and then lay that on the rubber with Graphite paper between them. Then draw over the lines y

Mikado (pick up sticks) rules

Mikado (pick up sticks) Rules Classic Mikado consists of 41 sticks, around 15 cm long, coded with different values that have a total of 170 points. Name Traditional wood type Coding Point value Number of sticks Mikado walnut blue 20 pts 1 Mandarin cherry yellow/black, middle wide two narrow stripes on the ends 10 pts 5 Bonzen      (jpbouzu) oak orange, five stripes 5 pts 5 Samurai beech green, three stripes 3 pts 15 Kuli (cn. guli) / Worker ash red, two stripes 2 pts 15   The sticks are bundled and taken in one hand that touches the table or ground. The release creates a circular jumble. Now the players take turns, in which one stick after another should be taken up without moving


Daldos What Type of game is it, How to play,  Where and when it was played,   & my theories on it.  Part of My Mary Rose Project Marilyn Strawberry Holt  known in the SCA as THL Mwynwen Ysginidd   Denmark and Norway share a game called Daldos or Daldosa and have relative variations played as far north as Lappland.  This game has evidence of being a coastal town game played today in the northern area of Europe. (Jaeren,Thy, Mors, Fano, Bornholm) This is a racing game that has direct capture, it is played with a pair of 4-sided dice. It could also be called a running fight game. somewhere between a racing game and a capture game. For years this style of game was only believed to have been played in the Arab-Muslim world. These games form a group with many variations, known under various names from West Africa to India - tab,taba,tab wa-dukk in the Middle East; sig, sik, sir, siki, in North Africa- sig wa-duqqan  As with most all games from history, the rules are oral traditions rarel


 DALDOS the ship game of the Mary Rose ship wreck. There is a neglected category of board game the is neither pure war not nor pure race. It is an in-between categories. This is were the game Daldos falls. With all games from history I feel I need to point out these are oral traditions writen rules are a modern idea. The other thing is that playing more then one game on any board is also a common thing looks as a chess/checker board and you understand what this means.  This games seems to have evidice of beening  a coastal town game played till today in the northern area of Europe. (Jaeren,Thy, Mors, Fano, Bornholm) However historic boards have been found in Novgorod Russia, (15 lines) 14th century made of spruce. With the back having nine man Morris on it. (Age from the book Wood use in medieval Novgorod by M. Brisbane. On a barrel lid of theory Rose ship wreck again with a nine man Morris board on the same lid. 15th Century. That sank 1545. A game board carved in the stone at the Lin

Crown and Anchor

CROWN & ANCHOR In medieval England and Europe there were many dice game of chance the lot of them being refereed to a lotto games.  The rolling of 3 dice and losing if the roll is less then 10 or doubling if it is 10 and above was one such variant. In this game one person would be the banker, one other person would roll and if the roller rolled 10 or over he would be the roller again but if he rolled below 10  he would pass the dice. The banker changed for every single roll. One game evolved and continues today in England and has its own society even that is Crown and Anchor. in stead of the 6 sided dice having 1 though 6 on them they have the 4 french card suits and a Crown and Anchor on them. This same game can be played with regular 1 through 6 dice. How to play Crown and Anchor One person is declared the banker, this position changes after each roll. One person is declared the 1st roller. the 1st roller and all other players except the banker place one coin on a