Bubbles are Period

I am making bubble wands this quarter. Why you ask because i am. I do try and have a yearly project that is kid based. Besides my adult projects. The challenge I face is i make the best bubble solutions but when giving children a thing it is smartest to do so in a child safe container. By this i mean a parent friendly one. Cant leak to easily, won't break easily, but looks period. As such i may break tradition and by bubble solution from the dollar tree. At 33 cents each. Then make felt covers for them. Not award winning but it is still fun and functional. When i do this I will add on to this post. Yes they used a reed as a bubble pipe I however an going for the copper wire with glass pony beads for the shiney factor that kids like. https://britishlibrary.typepad.co.uk/.a/6a00d8341c464853ef016304cbf8ff970d-popup Giuseppe Magni Pierre Jean Edmond