#1 of 3 The Royal Game of Goose, history, game board stamp project.

I am re trying to carve a goose board print block. It will be a solid one not the many mini blocks put together. I think I can only do 2 squares at a time by hand, my hands cannot handle more. The limits of EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) means if I limit this work that I might be able to do the work everyday with out missing too many days in-between. If it turns out too much for my hands I will switch to working on it every other day. I have plans every weekend for the next 3 weekends How I am making this stamp. I have graphite paper. I traced the period board through the paper it is printed on by putting it on a window to see though this is so I am working in the reverse. Stamps have to be carved in reverse so when you stamp they are facing the correct way. Folks that use printing presses have and had to be able to read upside down and backwards. I took the paper with the reverse board on it and then lay that on the rubber with Graphite paper between them. Then draw ov...