
Showing posts from August, 2024


  Hazard     Rules Any number may play, however, only one player – the  caster  – has the dice at any one time. In each round, the caster specifies a number between 5 and 9 inclusive: this is the  main . They then throw two dice. - If they roll the main, he wins (throws in or nicks). - If they roll a 2 or a 3, he loses (throws out). - If they roll an 11 or 12, the result depends on the main: - with a main of 5 or 9, they throw out with both an 11 and a 12; - with a main of 6 or 8, they throw out with an 11 but nicks with a 12; - with a main of 7, they nick with an 11 but throw out with a 12. - If they neither nick nor throw out, the number thrown is called the chance. They throw the dice again: - if they roll the chance, they win; - if they roll the main, they lose (unlike on the first throw); - if they roll neither, they keep throwing until he rolls one or the other, winning with the chance and losing with the main. This is simpler to follow in a table: Main

Farkle Rules of Play

  Farkle Rules of Play Farkle is played by 2 or more players, each player in succession having a turn at throwing the dice. Each player's turn results in a score and the scores for each player accumulate to some winning total (usually 5,000 or 10,000). At the beginning of each turn, the player throws all six, six-sided dice. After each throw, one or more scoring dice must be set aside. The player may either end their turn and bank the score accumulated or continue to throw the remaining dice. If the player has scored all six dice, they have “hot dice” and must continue their turn with a new throw of all six dice, adding to the score they have already accumulated. If none of the dice score in any given throw, the player has “Farkled” and all points for that turn are lost. At the end of the player's turn, the dice are handed to the next player in succession (usually in clockwise rotation), and they have their turn. Once a player has achieved a winning point total,

easy print and play rules for NODDE KNAVE

  The Game of Nodde: as Redacted By Lady Mwynwen Ysginidd Called Strawberry from Willughby, Francis, “A Volume of Plaies” Object: To peg (score) 31 or greater before your opponent Equipment used to play: deck of 52 cards, Nodde board or tally board/sheet Aces: 1 point 2-10: scored at face value. For example, a 3 card would be worth 3 points. Jacks, Queens, Kings: 10 points The board is 2 to 4  tracks of holes that pegs for scoring will fit. (Though score could be kept on a tally) there are 30 holes for scoring for each player then one more shared hole for the winners peg. A board could have but doesn’t require to extra holes in each track for the starting pegs to rest before scoring starts. The players always moves the hindmost peg and counts from the foremost peg. How to play:  Two to four players. If play is with four players you can play teams, then it is played as teams of two. Team players sit alternating with opponents. Teams peg on the same track. Or with f

1 &30_ Knock 31 card game

 1 & 30 (Knock 31) Needed:             52 card deck 2-9 players Goal:                   Winner has the highest hand of one suit in their hand Cards                  2-10: scored at face value. For example, a 3 card would be worth 3 points. Jacks, Queens, Kings: 10 points Aces: 11 points Rules All players ante one into the pot. (if betting is happening) Deal 3 cards to each player face down Place the deck in the center of the players & flip the top card next to the deck Each player's goal is to get the highest points with only one suit of cards, hearts, spades, clubs, or diamonds— only counting the cards in that suit. A player wants as many points as possible, so choose a suit that you have a lot of or a suit that you have high cards in. Should a player have 31 in their hand they say 31 and win the hand automatically. Moving clockwise from the dealer (left) each player takes their turn During the player's turn, they choose from either the dis