Egyptian sticks, Rolling sticks Dice for Senet

Egyptian sticks, Rolling sticks, Dice for Senet Stick Dice have been found in tombs with a board that we call Senet. Those rolling sticks, were long like chop sticks and just a little bit thicker and they taper on their ends which were decoratively carved. Sticks are not quite like 2 sided dice. With a true 2 sided die you have a 50/50 chance of it landing on either side. but since these are half round on one side and flat on the other the probability is closer to 33/66. (I am not mathematically inclined so if you know the exact probability let me know and I will up date this to reflect that.) There are other rolling sticks that were 3 sided, and I will cover that in a future post when I am making a board game that calls for them. I will give you the rule sets for rolling for the game of Senet, and also for using them for games of chance the way we use dice or knuckle bones. Some types of games will be listed after that at the bottom of this page. Using Rolling stic...