Morris or Mills Games

Mills and Morris Games 

Mills games are ancient. and have been played up to today. You can play on line and there are apps for this game with 9 man being the most popular. Here are the stamps and stamped boards that I have done. 
This game is a mostly fast game to kill time between going other things.little kids can play the 3 man version and 1st graders can learn the other versions. It is one of the first games that people learn in reenactment.
You played a form variation of this game as a child called TicTac Toe.
the board for tic tac toe is like the 3 Man Morris board but you have walls so you can move around after the pieces are placed and you get pieces till all spaces are full. in 3 Man Morris you only get 3 pieces and when you both run out if neither has a 3 in a row you then start moving your pieces from one spot to a empty spot. The board at the bottom of the photo is 3 Man Morris or 3 man mills.
In the Roman territories often times Roto was the form the children played. It is the middle Board below It is played just like 3 Man Morris except since it is round there is no corners. 3 in a row works the same even with out corners.
9 Man Morris is the most common version of this game that is the board at the top of the photo. each player gets 9 pieces and they take turns placing their pieces with the lighter color going first.  Both players are trying to achieve 3 in a row while also preventing their opponent from getting 3 in a row. 3 in a Row is called a Mill. When they get 3 in a row they may remove from the board one of their opponents pieces that is not in 3 in a mill. Unless all that the opponents pieces are in mills. then they can break their opponents mill.  That piece is considered captured and is out of the game. 
3 in a row is not around corners or though the very middle of the board.
After both players have finished placing all of their playing pieces they will then take turns moving a piece per turn from a space to another unoccupied space that is adjacent to the place that the piece is. With the goal of making another mill.
A player may pull pieces out of a mill to move it to other spaces. When a mill is broken during game pay then all the pieces that were in that mill are again vulnerable to be captured. play continues till one player has only 2 pieces left and there for can not make a mill. the player then loses. switch colors and play again. I suggest best 2 out of 3 or even have a life time score and live for the vendetta. 

5 or 6 Man Morris (Not Shown) are played on the a board that has 16 spaces you can see the board and the rules at this link to this persons write up. or this youtube video
12 man Morris (Not Shown)
 is the 9 man board with the corners having a line connecting them. all the rules that apply in 9 man morris are used you can move along any line. see link from someone elses site here for more


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