Dreidel an 18th Century Tee totem variant children's game
Rules of Dreidel
- A dreidel with four Hebrew letters: נ (Nun), ג (Gimel), ה (Hei), ש (Shin)/פ (Pei).
- A pot of items (coins, chocolate coins called gelt, candies, or nuts).
- Each player starts with an equal number of tokens (e.g., 10-15).
- A small number of tokens (e.g., 1-2) is placed in the center pot.
- Players take turns spinning the dreidel.
- The letter the dreidel lands on determines the outcome:
- Nun (נ): "Nothing" – the player does nothing.
- Gimel (ג): "Everything" – the player takes the entire pot.
- Hei (ה): "Half" – the player takes half the pot.
- Shin (ש) or Pei (פ): "Put in" – the player adds one or more tokens to the pot.
- If the pot is empty, all players contribute one token.
- The game continues until one player has all the tokens or as long as players wish.
- A dreidel with four Hebrew letters: נ (Nun), ג (Gimel), ה (Hei), ש (Shin)/פ (Pei).
- A pot of items (coins, chocolate coins called gelt, candies, or nuts).
- Each player starts with an equal number of tokens (e.g., 10-15).
- A small number of tokens (e.g., 1-2) is placed in the center pot.
- Players take turns spinning the dreidel.
- The letter the dreidel lands on determines the outcome:
- Nun (נ): "Nothing" – the player does nothing.
- Gimel (ג): "Everything" – the player takes the entire pot.
- Hei (ה): "Half" – the player takes half the pot.
- Shin (ש) or Pei (פ): "Put in" – the player adds one or more tokens to the pot.
- If the pot is empty, all players contribute one token.
- The game continues until one player has all the tokens or as long as players wish.
Where to Find More Information
- The Hanukkah Anthology by Philip Goodman provides in-depth insights into Hanukkah traditions, including the dreidel.
- A Different Light: The Hanukkah Book of Celebration by Noam Zion and Barbara Spectre explores various customs and their histories.
Online Resources:
- The Rampant Strawberry Inn: explanings TeeTotems https://therampantstrawberry.blogspot.com/2018/08/t-totums-game-of-put-take-one-i-made.html
- Chabad.org: Explains dreidel rules, history, and variations.
- My Jewish Learning: Offers articles on the dreidel’s origins and its significance in Jewish culture.
- Tablet Magazine https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/holidays/articles/secret-history-hanukkah-dreidel?
- Library of Congress Blogs https://blogs.loc.gov/folklife/2022/12/the-truth-behind-the-hanukkah-dreidel-metafolklore-play-and-spin/?
Local Synagogues and Jewish Centers:
- Many Jewish community centers host Hanukkah celebrations and include dreidel games, providing a hands-on way to learn the rules and history.
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