#3 of 3 Game of Goose Boards as old as 1500 with rules Printed from1598

Links provided  for each image and more information of the boars directly please check out 

Goose and path games ( by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville )

translations by Luigi Ciompi and google translate.

Adrian Seville has many books of all the aspects of the game of goose and is the for most expert on the subject I only own one of his books. 

Il Bello et Dilettevole Giuoco dell’Oca
Gaspar ab Avibus Citadelensis, Venetis 1567/80. Acquaforte (taille-douce) (ecthing), 580x428.
Collezione A. Toffanin
(Gioco dell’Oca Classico)


Novo ( The ) Gioco de Loca ( The new Game of the Goose ) 


From: NEGRI, Ilio - VERCELLONI, Virgilio: "The games of dice of chance and pastime of gentlemen and pirates" 


Chess and goose game board

India, Gujarat

late 16th century(1500-1550)

Currently oldest surviving board


This next board has the rules printed on it it is dated 1598ca and is in the custody of the British Museum

New ( The ) et Pleasant Ocha Game ( The New and Enjoyable Game of the Goose ) 
Printer Gargano Lucchino 

Italy-Rome / Venice


British Museum


Game of 63 numbered boxes, spiral, counterclockwise, centripetal, which respects the classic rules of the game of goose. In the lower and upper corners characters.
In the subtitle center: "Main Declarations Head by Head".
Bottom left: "Lucchino gargano formis 1598"
RULES: in the center.
"1. To make the occa you take two dice marked by all the bands then you touch those who first have to pull and then put the mail that suits you together.
2. Who does 6. 3. goes to 26 and who does 5. 4. goes to 53
3. Those who go where the eyes are do not stop there but double the numbers again another time and finding another eye again they meet again
4. At number 6 and a bridge you pay the pass and go to 12
5. Those who go to number 19 where the hostaria is pay and there is so much that every one throws once
6. Who will go to number 31 where a well pays and there is so much that it is dug by another
7. Who goes to 42 where and the laberinto returns indreto at 39 and pays the defendant
8. Those who go to 52 enter the pregion pay and there is so much until another doing the same number leads them
9. Who goes to 58 where death pays and starts from scratch
10. Whoever is made up by another returns to the place of what the make-up and pays is made a pact according to the custom of places
11. Whoever passes the number 63 goes back counting what is left over and if from in an occasion the number goes back than to done
Whoever scores 63 wins the whole thing and starts all over again and pulls the first other game.
HOUSEHOLDERS: wetsuits excluding key ones.

Pleasant ( The ) Game of Ocha - The Agreeable Game of the Goose 




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