Crown and Anchor

CROWN & ANCHOR In medieval England and Europe there were many dice game of chance the lot of them being refereed to a lotto games. The rolling of 3 dice and losing if the roll is less then 10 or doubling if it is 10 and above was one such variant. In this game one person would be the banker, one other person would roll and if the roller rolled 10 or over he would be the roller again but if he rolled below 10 he would pass the dice. The banker changed for every single roll. One game evolved and continues today in England and has its own society even that is Crown and Anchor. in stead of the 6 sided dice having 1 though 6 on them they have the 4 french card suits and a Crown and Anchor on them. This same game can be played with regular 1 through 6 dice. How to play Crown and Anchor One person is declared the banker, this position changes after each roll. One person is declared the 1st roller. the 1st roller and all other players except the banker place one ...